Pearl Certification Developer Documentation


Welcome to Pearl’s developer documentation. The intent for this documentation is to help you interact with your Pearl Certifications using automated systems and Pearl’s Application Programming Interface (API). Pearl’s API provides a path for automating the request for a Pearl Certification from software you may already be using. Through the API you can create a home, add and update asset data and request a certification.

The goals of Pearl’s API are to:

  • Eliminate the need for duplicate data entry — Your time is valuable. Don’t spend it re-entering data you’ve already captured in your system.
  • Reduce the chance for human error — Every time data is entered, it introduces a chance for a typo, a misread job checklist, or other human error.
  • Speed delivery of certifications — With less manual data entry, certification requests don’t pile up on someone’s desk waiting for data entry. Not only that, Pearl’s API users can establish job and user credentials that allow a percentage of jobs to skip manual QC checks on Pearl’s side allowing for certifications to be quickly issued directly to your customers.
  • Automate Certification Delivery — With an automated certification delivery process in place, you’ll never have to wonder “Whatever did happen to that job data?” if a customer calls to ask where their Pearl Certification is.

Other Options

In addition to our API detailed here, Pearl also offers HPXML intake and an OptiMiser integration. If you’re already capturing your work in OptiMiser, get in touch. With just a couple pieces of information, we can do a nightly pull of any jobs you’ve finalized in OptiMiser and issue Pearl Certifications based on the information you captured there.

Even if you’re not using OptiMiser, if whatever software you are using can export Home Performance eXtensible Markup Language (HPXML), you can use that export to establish the home record in Pearl’s software. Please note, Pearl only accepts “improvement” data because too many systems export default information for baseline/survey data.