Pearl Certification Developer Documentation

Retrieve High Performing Home Features

To fetch Pearl’s data around the high performing features of a home, you will need to use the search endpoint. The only data required for request is the home address. The response will be served back in RESO Common Format.

While Pearl has data on many homes throughout the United States, no two records are the same; some homes have a lot of data, some have a little data, and some have no data at all. When you send us an address, we will analyze the data that we have on a home and respond accordingly. Below our some descriptions of the various ways that we may respond.

Known - Certified

If Pearl has collected data on a property and certified it, we will send back all verified data in RESO Common Format. This will not include the files that make up the Pearl Certification Report (PDF/JPG files within Media group), but just the underlying data to be populated into the MLS.

Known - Third Party Data

If Pearl has collected data on a property from a third party, but has not certified it, we will send back standard RESO Common Format object with all data omitted except for a GreenVerification object representing a Pearl Certification with a GreenVerificationRating of Not Certified and a GreenVerification object for any other certifications that the home has earned. This should indicate that we likely have data on a property that can be certified, but it has not yet been approved and certified by our team.

Known - Not Certified

If Pearl has collected data on a property (through its standard certification process), but has not certified it, we will send back standard RESO Common Format object with all data omitted except for a GreenVerification object representing a Pearl Certification with a GreenVerificationRating of Not Certified. This should indicate that we likely have data on a property that can be certified, but it has not yet been approved and certified by our team.


If Pearl has not yet collected data on a property, we will send back a 404 error code to indicate that the property was not found within our certification system.